Insureds Details

{{ matchedLookup.title }}
{{ matchedLookup.number }} {{ matchedLookup.postcode }} {{ matchedLookup.locality }}
{{ result.title_snippet }}
{{ result.postcode }}
{{ result.locality }}
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You can still continue if your organisation is not on the list.


Online Presence

Please provide your website address. For example: or Enter your primary website domain first. If you have multiple websites, seperate each website URL with a comma or press the return key after entering each URL


Select the most appropriate sector that best categorises your organisations activities
How many full and part time employeesstaff work for you and have access to your systems / network


Enter the expected / approximate gross revenue for your organisation in the next 12 months
Do you have clients or customers who are situated in the United States of America
Enter the expected / approximate gross revenue deriving from clients or customers who are situated in the USA

Data Records

Select the amount of PII records you collect, process, store, transmit, or have access to
Select the amount of card transactions you process annually, either physically or via a third party service

Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

Is MFA required when signing in to your email account online or adding your email account to a new device
Is MFA required when you connect to your physical office or work systems remotely by VPN or RDP.
Is MFA required by all user accounts with privileged access to business critical network & cloud administration services

Previous Claims or Incidents

We need to know if you've made or been involved in any cyber or data related insurance claims within the past 5 years
We need to know if you're aware of any reason a claim or loss could be more likely under this proposed insurance
We need to know if you're aware of any reason a claim or loss could be more likely under this proposed insurance

Previous Claim Details

Enter the total financial loss of the previous cyber incident or claim
Please describe what happened, when the incident occurred and what has been done to mitigate future incidents.

{{ titleCase(quote.insuredName) }}

{{ quote.insuredName }}

{{ insuredDescriptor[quote.type] }}
{{ quote.activity.title }}
{{ domain }} No Websites
{{ quote.employees }}
{{ numberFormatted(quote.revenue) }}
Data Records:
{{ numberFormatted(recordAmount('pii')) }}
Card Transactions:
{{ numberFormatted(recordAmount('cc')) }}

Please select up to 2 limits of cover you require quotes for:

Please choose the level of cover your require:

What is Cyber Crime?

Security Controls

Is there standard Encryption on all work devices?

Do you update all systems including firewalls and anti virus software at least every 30 days?

Are full system backups taken at least weekly and stored either off site or disconnected from your network?

Do you regularly provide cyber security awareness training, including anti-phishing awareness, to all users who have access to your organisation’s network or confidential information / personally identifiable information?

Do you scan incoming emails for malicious attachments and/or links?

Do you obtain verbal authentication when setting up or amending payee details and for funds transfers in excess of £5,000?

Confirm you do not have any End of Life (EoL) software, unpatched software or Operating System (OS) exposed to the internet:

Confirm you are not involved directly in the use or supply of cryptocurrency:


Insurers will need a correspondence address for your company or organisation.


No results matching postcode

{{ line }}

Contact Details

We'll need these to update you about your quotes
